The first documented reference to an economy in Berau can be found in a monastic record from 1405, in which "Konrad, the landlord" is listed. A letter of purchase proves that Peter Kech ran the economy in 1585. Under the regulations, which were issued in 1630 for the monastery subjects, it is noted that the usual change of each hem of wine (150l) is due to the monastery of St. Blasien. So that the monastery could sell his tithe and interest wine, every landlord was obliged to take a certain amount of it every year before he could buy anything else.
There is evidence that the Bachmann family sat for more than a century at the Gasthaus zum “Rößle”, the oldest Berau inn. Around 1700, Vogt Bartle Bachmann was the Rößlewirt who handed over the business to his son Anton. He married Maria Bächle in 1723. The son Franz in turn married Johanna Mayer von Mettenberg in 1767 and continued to run the business until he knew it was in good hands with his son, who also had the first name Franz Xaver. Franz Xaver Bachmann the Younger had the daughter Maria Agatha of the married couple Konrad and Barbara Baschnagel as his wife. With him, the host family Bachmann died out in the male line. The eldest daughter Verena, born in 1798, married Josef Ebner from Leinegg in 1818, who was a descendant of the unification master, bailiff and eagle host Johann Michael Ebner from Immeneich, well-known from the history of the Hauensteiner Land and the saltpetre uprisings. In 1853 the "Rößle" was destroyed in a village fire. After Sebastian Ebner, who witnessed the fire and reconstruction, the son Alois Ebner and his wife Franziska Schmidt from Segeten in the Hotzenwald took over the inn and farm estate and this was followed by the son Alfred Ebner, who was married to Frieda Isele from the "Hirschen" in Brenden Died in 1955. From 1961 the inn was continued by son-in-law Helmut Tröndle and Mrs. Christel nee Ebner and is still run by the Tröndle family to this day.